discounted xl big green egg from ohio eggfest

XL Demo Big Green Egg Package


XL Demo Big Green Egg Package

A demo XL Big Green Egg that is once used at The Ohio Eggfest. The XLarge Big Green Egg provides a cooking area that can easily accommodate meals for large families and cookouts with all your friends. You can also efficiently prepare several meals over the coals at once. Learn more>> This package includes:

  • XL Big Green Egg
  • Nest
  • Kick Ash Basket
  • ConvEGGtor (Plate setter)
  • Fire Starters
  • 20lb bag of Big Green Egg Charcoal
  • (2) Tickets to The Ohio Eggfest
  • Lifetime Warranty

Since this goes through our 501(c)(3) non-profit, this egg is also TAX-FREE.  You will need an SUV or truck to fit this egg. Volunteers will help with loading everything into your vehicle.  

This is a pre-order, the egg will be picked up on July 26th, at The Ohio Eggfest at Fortress Obetz after the event has ended, around 4pm. Proceeds from this purchase go directly to fund Cancer Research at The James! If someone else is picking up your egg, give us a call at 614-261-0824 or email us at to let us know the persons name. 

Pick up location: Fortress Obetz on July 26th, 2025

*If you can not make it to The Ohio Eggfest but would still like to purchase a demo Egg package, please email us at to arrange a different pickup time or to schedule a delivery. 



XL Demo Big Green Egg Package 

A demo XL Big Green Egg that is once used at The Ohio Eggfest. This XL Big Green Egg comes with the nest, convEGGtor, kick ash basket, fire starters, a 20# bag of Big Green Egg Charcoal and 2 tickets to The Ohio Eggfest! This is a pre-order, the egg will be picked up on July 26th The Ohio Eggfest at Fortress Obetz after the event is over. Proceeds from this purchase go directly to fund Cancer Research! If someone else is picking up your egg, give us a call at 614-261-0824 or email us at to let us know the persons name.